2 November 2004

Writing a blog. GWB and Bill Hicks.

Many of my regular readers will be wondering how I've managed to be so prolific in such a short time.

The secret is: I write my entries in advance and save them until I can be bothered to post. I had a backlog so I threw the whole lot on. Ah, the magic of blogging....

By the way, just wanted to give a shout out to AE and his excellent blog at http://dissentchannel.blogspot.com/

He posted a comment regarding my beer, kebabs and graphic novels post. God bless him. His blog is well worth reading if you despise the insane Christian warmonger (oh the irony...) George W Bush as much as I do. GWB is an idiotic maniac who couldn't think (let alone talk) his way out of a wet paperbag. So what happens? The guy becomes president. Man, I wish Bill Hicks were here right now. He'd have plenty to say.

I miss that guy.

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